Thomas A. Richards Memorial Beer Stein Award

Each year beginning in 2008, the Soldiers of the Sea, Band of Brothers presents a Beer Stein Award for sustained and unyielding d​edication to bridging the gap between the Southern California Business and Marine Corps communities. “Beer Stein” in honor of our Corps’ Raucous Birth on November 10, 1775, in a Brew House known as Tun Tavern, in the City of Philadelphia, in a Country that less than a year later would become known to the World as the United States of America.

In 2014, Soldiers of the Sea, Band of Brothers' co-founder Thomas A. Richards reported to his final duty station and is now "guarding the streets of heaven". He was both the inspiration for the creation of the Beer Stein Award, as well as its first recipient. Tom was a consummate advocate for veterans' issues, was a devoted and doting husband, and was the best friend that a man could have. His bear hugs, ear to ear smiles, bellowing laughter, incredibly warm disposition and zeal for life are, and will forever be, dearly missed.

Past Recipients

2008 - LtCol. Tom Richards, USMC, retired.
2009 - Mr. Bob Novello, Corporal USMC, 1972-1975.
2010 - SgtMaj Ed Aikey, USMC, retired.
2011 - Mr. Kent Valley, Capt., USMC, 1962-1967.
2012 - Mr. Pete Hammer, Capt., USMC, 1967 - 1971
2013 - Col. Thomas F. Reath, USMC, retired.
2014 - Maj. Kevin B. McDermott, USMCR, retired.
2015 - Capt. Roy Fussell, USMC, retired.

2016 - Mr. Jeffrey Salamon, Corporal USMC, 1983 - 1987
2017 - Col. R. Stewart Navarre, USMC, retired.
​​​2018 - Mr. Jon Martin, Staff Sergeant USMC, 1974-1980
2019 - Mr. Timothy Day, Capt., USMC, 1959-1962
2020 - Not Awarded Due to Covid-19
2021 - SgtMaj. Larry Killens, USMC, retired.
2022 - Mr. Tom Peck, Capt., USMC, 1989-1998
2023 - Mr. H. William DeWeese, Capt., USMC 1972 - 1975